This is not an all inclusive list as the majority of homeschool resources are Christian Based. These are just some of the programs we gleaned from and adapted the parts that fit for us. Many of these programs can be modified for a more secular approach.
A2 (A Squared) (One time cost $)
Is one I had picked up many years ago that has each grade level lined out on one disk so it is simple and covers each subject. It can easily be adapted to a more secular lesson plan. It seems that the site is no longer active, but you can find the archived copy below, and if you can find an old copy, it is a great addition to your library.
Abeka has done the painstaking prep so you can start off running in the right direction, at a good pace, from day one. Every subject is approached from a Christian perspective, and you’ll find Scripture and biblical principles used to emphasize or illustrate concepts.
A.C.E. Accelerated Christian Education
A.C.E. provides Bible-based K–12 curriculum, consisting of reading programs, core curriculum, and electives. A.C.E. stands out from other curriculum providers with its individualized, self-instructional, mastery-based approach. Core curriculum provides students with academics, skill building, reading practice, character and wisdom training, and knowledge of God and His Word. This complete package begins with reading development and progresses through high school, giving students a solid foundation for pursuing their life goals. Students who are more skilled may progress at a faster rate or may accelerate in the areas of their academic strengths. Slower students are encouraged to do their best but are able to work at their levels of proficiency and proceed as they are capable. Each core subject consists of 12 PACEs (Packet of Accelerated Christian Education) per level. Typical students work daily on one PACE in each subject and may be performing at varying levels. The diagnostic test results help to identify academic weaknesses and prescribe a path to help students catch up. Most students complete at least 70 PACEs per year, while maintaining academic balance by completing about the same number of PACEs in each assigned subject.
All-in-One: Easy Peasy Homeschool Resource (Free)
We used Easy Peasy when we first started. It is completely FREE and a great way to transition into homeschooling if you are just really not sure what to do next. Daily lessons are completely laid out for you. Can be easily adapted to fit a secular perspective.
Preschool – 8th grade:
High School:
Alpha Omega Academy ($$)
Christian Worldview. At AOA, we educate students academically and spiritually. We embrace each student as a gift from the Creator, and we firmly believe that our world belongs to God and our lives are a testimony of thanksgiving and service to Him.
Ambleside (Free – Purchase Books as needed $)
Free curriculum based off of the Charlotte Mason Method
BJU Press Bob Jones University ($$)
Provides educational materials written from a biblical worldview that focus on academic rigor and encourage critical thinking—all supported by appropriate educational technology.
Bridgeway Academy ($$)
Fully accredited and covers elementary through high school. Offers both secular and Christian options for homeschool families, charter schools, state organizations, co-ops, athletic organizations, arts schools, and others who seek flexible education options for their families.
Charlotte Mason (Purchase books as needed $$)
Christian Liberty Press ($$)
Christian Liberty is a Preschool – 12th grade Christian provider of educational materials. Whether you need just a few books, are looking for a full-service homeschool academy, or only want to track your student’s educational progress, we can help you.
Heart of Dakota ($$)
Heart of Dakota publishes a Christian homeschool curriculum that is easy to use, flexible, educational and can also be used with multiple ages at the same time. Our desire is to help homeschool teachers have a successful experience from the very beginning, while keeping God’s Word at the heart of their children’s academic training.
Homeschooling for Free and Frugal (Free)
Several articles with great information on homeschooling for free or frugally.
Master’s Books ($$)
With every book and homeschool resource we publish, our aim is to increase the reader’s faith in God, our Creator, and the authority of His Word. We publish to supply the Christian homeschooling community with a high quality education that fosters a love for learning and for God. Homeschool parents appreciate the affordability, flexibility, and practicality of our curriculum. We offer a Charlotte Mason inspired approach to learning with living lessons, captivating pictures, engaging stories and assignments.
CURRICULUM FOR HOMESCHOOL & CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS. My Father’s World Christian homeschool curriculum combines the best of Charlotte Mason’s ideas, classical education, and unit studies with a biblical worldview and global focus. By always keeping God’s Word central, we partner with you to provide life-transforming, academic excellence with a Christian worldview.
Plain and not so plain (Free download)
This homeschool mom has shared the curriculum she created for her children. It covers 1st thru 9th grade plus Bible lessons and some Home Economic Electives. The curriculum is free to download and print out. So if you are looking for a completely offline curriculum then this would be a good option.
Robertson Curriculum (One Time Cost $)
We used many aspects of the Robertson Curriculum, I liked the program of study, math and many of the resources, we just exclude some of the books that do not fit, or used them as points of conversation. Avoid the Henty Collection if you are trying to stick to more secular curriculum.
Schoolhouse Teachers ($)
Our vision is to create a place where homeschoolers can find the tools they need to excel in their homeschool and with their families. Whether you are looking for the academic content found on or the encouragement and practical advice found in The Old Schoolhouse,© Magazine, we hope you find a community of caring, helpful, supportive individuals who have a heart for God and for serving each other as we all take this journey one step at a time. It’s the curriculum site of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine. We currently offer more than 400 online homeschooling classes for preschool through high school as well as a few courses for parents. Courses vary in length and intensity, from a few weeks to a full year or more. Academic weighting for transcripts of many high school classes is included. Many classes can be printed and done offline if you or your student prefers. Classes are not live, so you always have the option of starting any course at any point in time. You can simply visit an earlier lesson and begin at whatever point you are ready (see “Your site says I can start lessons at any time. How do I do that?” below for details). Classes are presented in a variety of formats. Almost all classes have a written component. Some classes, such as Filmmaking, Beginning Guitar, Beginning Violin, French, and Spanish also offer an audio or video component with their lessons.
SKrafty ($)
For the kids that are more into technology & gaming, this family built an entire homeschool curriculum around it: SKrafty is run by the Syx Family from Alabama who homeschool and also love to play Minecraft and integrate education with things children love.
Sonlight ($$)
Complete Christian Homeschool Curriculum. Sonlight is the original literature-rich curriculum. We pioneered this style of learning in 1990, and have been thrilled and privileged to provide top-quality education to homeschooling families for the last 27 years. Although all of our products are available for purchase individually, the true Sonlight Experience are our literature-based, History / Bible / Literature homeschool programs.
Tapestry of Grace ($$)
An award-winning homeschool curriculum: a plan of study that helps parents provide a Christian, classical education using a guided unit study approach, with the history of the world as the core organizational theme. From Grades K–12, all students cycle through world history every four years, with all ages studying the same slice of history each week, each at their own learning level. Detailed lesson plans and discussion outlines enable parents to be their children’s primary teachers and mentors and shape their students’ biblical worldviews.
Winter Promise ($$)
Core Elements of a Charlotte Mason Education. WinterPromise is more than a unit study, more than a literature program, and even more than Charlotte Mason. We are in fact all of these, and more besides. We utilize these learning methods and ideas, as well as adding in some workbooks, a flavor of the “classical” method, and integrate technology. In addition, rippling throughout the curriculum are activities based on “Multiple Intelligences” research. In essence, we’ve taken the best of all these approaches and left behind the downsides. The result is a cohesive “mosaic” of learning, a multitude of “Experiences” — many different small pieces that together form a wonderful learning opportunity and a chance to build your family culture and make some memories! This “Experience Approach,” then, relies on wonderful literature, fantastic do-able activities that support intelligences goals, repetition that is exciting (not simply repetitive!), and a “joy of learning” approach.